
Thursday, February 18, 2016

#OscarsSoWhite or a Misunderstood Understanding?

Well... Let's get some things out the way first.
1. The president of the Academy is an African-American woman. AFRICAN *bing* WOMAN *bing bing*
2. The complaints have only been for the recent two years. two. out of 88.
3. The stand out leaders of the stance for change. Spike Lee. It's always been him vs the industry and the industry vs him for 20 plus years. Jada Smith. Her track record as an actress (as a damn good one) has never been up there with those (of all races) that have given an Oscar worthy performance. SO you have a great bitter director and writer with an great lovely black actress who has been offered the roles she fighting for leading a charge.
4. Stop shotgunning straight to racial issues when it seems blacks are not given a fair chance in the situation. Not everything needs to be racial. Half the time it become racial, people be afraid to take the race part out of it because now their point may not be as strong as it was before.
5. Get the F*** rid of that corny "We only win if we play a slave, hoe or crooked cop" line. Please. One them kinds of movies drop every year. If you got to play a hoe to win a Oscar, Meagan Goode would have a million by now.
6. NAACP awards and the AAFCA awards are... no not really... Black associated. OF COURSE they "Got it right" when awarding black people. So woke y'all sound dumb.
7. There is this thing called Oscar season where all the movies aim for Oscars, That drop in the fall after the summer blockbusters are done making big money.