
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Black to Polygamy

Because cheating is wrong. Yes, yes we get it and I talked about that in a past post that you can find right....... Here! But this isn't about cheating this is basically about openly dealing with all your women. Scary and very scrutinizing I know but it can't be that bad can it? NO. Only to the public on the outside judging it is and will be. Now this is not my way of saying give me about four or five bitches and let me call it a headache filled day O no sir eeeeeee bob it is not. Now how can we tell another man who has multiple women that know of each other that they are doing it wrong? First off how can you women barely sure if you're the boo or the side tell the women in this type of lifestyle that they're foolish? Who is being foolish by freely and willing AND openly know "Hey I'm GF #1. You must be Sara, GF #2. Have you met #3 Jen yet?" At the same time who are you to also say they aren't happy? He could be treating them pretty damn well leaving them fully satisfied and comfortable. He's not sitting here with all of them thinking they're the one. He letting them know off gates, "HEY! You, you, you and me got a love thing baby... plural, cool? cool." The guys who agree with the women on the whole the men who live this life are wrong and the chicks that put themselves into them are foolish just want the vagina of the broads who said the same. SHUT UP! You're not getting that girls vagina and you got hoes yourself young cornball man.
SO you say "Hey, you said BLACK to polygamy. You haven't mentioned your dark twix colored negro brethren yet." That's where we enter now. Had to warm it up with the basics. Outside of African cultures where in the hell in God's America will you or have you seen it OK for my black brothers and sisters to say they want to be polygamist? Rare, yes I know. Think about it and you come up with "That's some white shit." OK but truly taking religion out of it and think of who you are and who you may love and want in your life, would this lifestyle be bad for your black ass than cutting around loving all these women separately? Ray Ray could have you, Tatanashiqua and Bonnishia under one roof making them eggs cheesy with them grits or nah but you'd rather as I can most politely put it, "Beat that bitch ass." Neither one of you know who is his REAL GF anyways. Back to the cheating topic, the side chicks are already understanding there is another person around. They fine enough to deal with the main in the picture just no other. The main knows nothing but what if she did? She calls you a cheater but stays and questions on what went wrong while trying to move on happily with you and the side just continues getting the benefits as long as she can. So why not break down that wall and just be the three of y'all? People are open to threesomes but not side chicks. Being your only girl but not if one on the side. BREAK THAT WALL DOWN! Less stress, less worries of another. I mean of course the part of does he care for #2 more than #1 but he be with #3 mostly does come into play but that's nothing. So what do you think it should stay white shit or can we as black open up our minds just a little more to not judge and actually kind of see this as OK in out culture?

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